Future Skills Bootcamp on Data Science and Soft Skills

in collaboration with Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE)

upGrad Foundation met with Shri Atul Kumar Tiwari (Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship) on 14 th November 2022. It was jointly decided to pilot a train-the-trainer program for instructors of the National Skill Training Institute (NSTI). 
The Future Skills Bootcamp on Data Science and Soft Skills was organized by the upGrad Foundation and uGDX in collaboration with MSDE between 9 th to 19 th January 2023 at NSTI Bengaluru (W), 29 th May to 3 rd June 2023 at NSTI Ramanthapur, Hyderabad and 26 th June to 1 st July 2023 at NSTI Chunabhatti, Mumbai. The week-long programs shed light on new, tried and tested, result-driven and impact-based Data Science concepts, along with contemporary soft skills to enhance the existing skill set of craft trainers, and train them in the basics of Data Science and its effective delivery. 114 instructors at NSTI were nominated as trainees by Principal NSTI Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Mumbai.

  • Acquire conceptual knowledge about Data Science 
  • Gain hands-on experience through a Hackathon Project 
  • Learn and practice Soft Skills in a safe environment which allows open dialogue, constructive critique and self-reflection
  • Gain the confidence to be able to disseminate learnings

  • The program was concluded with the successful completion of the Hackathon and demonstration of soft skills through roleplays and activities. The trainees also shared highly positive feedback on conceptual clarity and confidence gained through the program.

The week-long Future Skills Bootcamp on Data Science and Soft Skills, organized by the upGrad Foundation and conducted at NSTI centers in India, is designed to shed light on new, tried and tested, result-driven and impact-based Data Science concepts added with contemporary soft skills to enhance the existing skillset of learners and train them in the basics of Data Science and its delivery. This program endeavors to spread knowledge in an effective and interesting manner to the trainers by using practical methods. It will be offered preferably, but not limited to, women instructors.

(Feedback collected from 114 trainees)
  • To promote awareness among learners regarding AI
  • To provide a real-life project experience in AI
  • To provide the learners with hands-on experience
  • To provide the learners with essential Soft Skills for the instructor’s role to help them achieve performance excellence




Hands-on Experience Enhanced Soft Skills




Presentation & Teaching Delivery Comfort


Motivation For Continued Learning Opportunities


Skill acquirement & enhancement:
  • Technical: Python 
  • Soft Skills: Confidence, self-awareness, motivation, presentation 
Gender diversity promotion in technical skilling:
  • Females: 64.47% 
  • Males: 38.16% 
Program aspects liked by trainees:
  • Teaching Methods: Combination of theory and practice 
  • Coaching and Q&A moments
  • Faculty behavior

Day 1
The Data Science World

Introduction to Data Science
Origin of data science, Definition and Explanation, Types of data, How/Where data is produced/stored

Applications of Data Science
Apps and services around us that use AI, Major fields where AI is used

Tools for DS
Programming languages, visualization tools, different IDEs of Python

Influence of Faculty Persona on Learners
  Being Mindful and Sensitive to Multicultural Audiences  Leveraging the strength of Personality

Day 2 & 3
Python & Data Science

Basic Python
What makes Python preferable for doing data science?

Basic data cleaning
Understanding anomalies in data sets, dealing with missing values, preliminary analyses

Different packages in Python
NumPy, Pandas, Sci-Kit Learn, Seaborn, etc.

Creative Thinking 
Edward de Bono – Six Thinking hats

Day 4
EDA & Introduction to ML

Hands-on EDA Projects
Live Covid Tracker 

Introduction to ML Concepts
Understanding the code, executing the code

Evaluating the model
Checking evaluation metrics and understanding model performance Model improvements (if any)

Growth Mindset 
Importance and Impact of Growth Mindset   Practicing Growth Mindset

Day 5
Real-Time ML Applications

ML Project
End to End execution of Real-Time ML Application

Coaching Skills 
Importance of moving off the Teacher’s role for effective Coaching  Guidelines for Impactful Coaching

Day 6
Wrapping up

DL Project
Hand-Written Character Recognition using Computer Vision

Conflict Resolution
  Resolution Mindset and Problem-Solving Skills 

Recap on what has been done
Finish up the project – Q&A, doubt-clearing sessions, etc. Presentation by the Learners